New Shit. New Shit.
When the Prologue is Done We Kiss Goodnight You asked Why I kiss With my eyes open And I Shrugged it off Saying, “I don’t know” But the truth is I want to Take you all in How you look With your eyes closed The position of your nose The strands of hair that fall in your face Your hands on my hips Pulling me in Your feet surrounding my feet I hold your head in my hands As our noses touch Our bodies tense We are so close There’s no turning back As our hearts beat On top of each other You open your eyes To spy on me Perhaps Instead You steal my soul That until now I’d kept hidden _____________________________________________________________ What Lies Outside the Window Can you hear The sound of helicopters’ propellers As they cut through the air Like a knife cutting the tension Of two nations come to a head And a war erupts With the sound of Everyday life continuing Outside our bedroom window Sounds of machine guns in the distance The faint whistle of grenades About to explode And when the...