New Shit. New Shit.

When the Prologue is Done We Kiss Goodnight

You asked
Why I kiss
With my eyes open
And I
Shrugged it off
Saying, “I don’t know”
But the truth is

I want to
Take you all in
How you look
With your eyes closed
The position of your nose
The strands of hair that fall in your face
Your hands on my hips
Pulling me in
Your feet surrounding my feet

I hold your head in my hands
As our noses touch
Our bodies tense
We are so close
There’s no turning back
As our hearts beat
On top of each other

You open your eyes
To spy on me

You steal my soul
That until now
I’d kept hidden

What Lies Outside the Window

Can you hear
The sound of helicopters’ propellers
As they cut through the air
Like a knife cutting the tension
Of two nations come to a head
And a war erupts
With the sound of
Everyday life continuing
Outside our bedroom window

Sounds of machine guns in the distance
The faint whistle of grenades
About to explode
And when they do
The explosion rings in the ears of thousands
Trying to find cover
While we just lie beside each other
In the safety of our warm bed

I will clasp your hand so tight
And you will hug my waist
And pull me in close
Our toes curl as we make love
To the sound of car alarms
Sounding off
From the bombs and tanks plowing through
While someone speaks over a megaphone
But it sounds like the static from the radio
That once played your favorite Beethoven piece
I want to kiss your lips, soft, so delicately
And fall in love all over again

As the world ends around us
We will make plans to meet on the other side
Once the dust and ashes settle to the ground
Outside our bedroom window


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