Documentaries and an Oliver Stone Film
"Savages" starring: Taylor Kitsch, Blake Lively, Aaron Taylor-Johnson, Benicio Del Toro, Selma Hayek, John Travolta directed by: Oliver Stone I wanted to like and enjoy "Savages" because it seemed like Oliver Stone was attempting to get back to a style of filmmaking that made him famous and infamous in the 1990s, but ultimately the writing is not done well enough to really hold the film together. The voiceover of the girl, O (Blake Lively) becomes annoying pretty much right off the bat. I'm not a fan of voiceovers, to begin with, and here it seemed contrived and quite unnecessary. And then, there's the ending of the film, which I won't spoil here, but it's almost like Oliver Stone is being self-indulgent and just cannot seem to snip and cut pieces of his own film, like he wants us to see everything he films, but this particular ending just comes off rather insulting to the audience. But, I think the major fault in this film lies within Stone...