
The Unfortunate Pedestrian Speaks

As the lungs collapse
My breath begins to shallow
And the oxygen expires

The heart forgets to beat
Three times
For you, lady
It has no reason to

You were all I had to live for
And now that you’re gone
I can’t exist
I do not exist
Without you

The blood won’t flow
Unless its stream leads to the gutter
Where you left me
When you said it was over

I didn’t believe
Couldn’t believe
It was really over
Now I know
It’s over

The roses I left for you
On your front porch
Have wilted, dried
Might as well be painted black
Like the leftover part of my heart

Now the bridge collapses
An overflowing river takes control

The rain will not subside

How does it feel
To know you caused this catastrophe

The Unfinished Kiss is Interrupted

Promises kept and repeated
You took them
Worth a check and balance on your cheek
Wisdom in your teeth
The whites of your eyes sparkle
When a kiss is chosen
You’re drunk and I’m getting off
To be inebriated by your intoxicating breath
Take one and breathe me in
For it will be the last time I let you

Roses are red
Now that it’s over
I’m in over my head
And I’ve lost you, my lucky charm
The one I kept on my arm

Threw in the obvious
A metaphor for what is and what could be
A love story worth the words, repeated
All that never was and never will be
Repetition should have won you over
It cannot get the job done
On target to reach you by Valentine’s Day
We’d retreat to a bed-and-breakfast
It’s where I want to find you
Because you look best in the morning
With sleep still hiding in the corners of your eyes

You are as delicate as glass
Made by these shaky hands
The cracks in which repeat the words
I could never drag from the mouth
That just wanted a taste


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