
"The Information Cause a Break in the Line (of Communication)"

Here we sit
Upon a couch
Meant to be for lovers
Yet it works more precisely
To separate the souls
Torn apart
By a vicious cockfight

I was yours
You were mine
In much simpler of times

Now I look upon your body
So ethereal
In its architecture
That the gods themselves
Must have sailed to each other
Upon your creation's completion

As if to know
Rome wasn't built in a day
Neither was your face
With an obstacle such as
The indent by the tip of your nose
Or the slight extra length to one of your toes

But it is your heart, your soul
That lacks the proper infrastructure
When you fight
You fight with such biting words
And harsher undertones
As if to say, "I never loved you in the first place."

Well, I never loved you, in that case

See, I can be just as mean as you

Fire begets fire
Begets smoke, it rises
But where is the mirror
When you call me a liar
Lawyer, Loyal, Lawyer
I was loyal
Once, to you

The participant in your life's charade
Of a play on words
Your attempt to overthrow the throne
When no one was looking

You claimed to be
A polymath
When you were only as pretentious as
The next one in line
And I, I can no longer hide behind
The disguise
Of you and I
Young lovers in lust
Fist in the wall
Where I first kissed you
Left its mark upon the predisposed scar
Known as first love
Known as you


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