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"The Loneliest Fish in the Abandoned, Forgotten Sea"

To be one among the many fish
In the sea
Is a plague to the ever-evolving prototype
Of a fish, Like me
With bold black stripes
And well-cared-for, evenly smooth skin
And the ability to stay, head-under-water
While I navigate the world in front of me
All it's offering, to me, nothing
No matter how many times I'm set off course
Towards the charming sound of propellors
Near the water's crest
Approaching to meet the bright afternoon's sunlight
Bathe in my breaching victory
Only to be caught in a net or worse baited by the sharp end of a hook
Line, And sinker
A fate remains so unknown to me
Here I am, at the bottom of the ocean
Plagued by the intrigue of mystery
Or the fleeting glimpse of another fish's bold and bright colors
Against the darkness of my sea
I continue my search for a better view
A new school (of thought) to swim among
Finding only reprieve
And I sense depraved indifference to my cause
Among those thought to be my peers
Action only breeds defeat and disappointment
So instead, I float, caution to the wind
Sails against my back
Looking for a better fish to steer me on the right track
I cannot find the other fish
One to say, I've met my match
They all pick fish more regular than me
Ones to be recognized so easily in a crowd among the million other fish in the sea
Shared by me
Calling it love, at first,
Whence amongst fish like us
I beg the question of
If a thing like love could even exist
In even the slightest of forms
Down here, in the sea
Say, blowing only bubbles, when we speak
Or still, erring on the side of caution
When we swim with our bellies full
Of what exactly
Bloated by the absence of love,
I remain a fish starved of indifference to the empty cause
Set upon my own course
Only knowing now of loss
In a clear plastic fishbowl
Fit for two
Yet I remain the only, lonely survivor
Known to every other fish as
The Great One, The Gentleman Among Others,
A Clown Fish,
More suited for suiting other suitors
In their fateful attempts to find a mate
I remain so colorful, by design
Seeming designed for a destiny swimming in circles
Within the confines set forth before me
Lonely, to the world of close quarters
Waiting for the pinch of food allotted, twice daily,
Like medicine
I race to the surface
Only to be disappointed by the normalcy of regularity
In the taste
Hoping just once for a treat
As my mouth slowly breaches the surface of water
I grasp for fresh air and breathe
Left to only question
What this pattern of choice has made of me
And indeed
Are fish even predetermined to breed
All except the Loneliest Fish in the Sea


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